The Element of Fire:
by kac young

The Element of Fire:
By Dr. kac young

There are five elements in the practice of Feng Shui which should be in balance within every environment.  One of those elements is Fire. Too much Fire in a room or a house can stimulate the ch'i (life force) resulting in anger, impatience, impulsiveness, ambition and burnout. If there is not enough Fire in the room you may experience, lethargy, coldness, lack of motivation and dullness. Fire affects digestion so to keep the body functioning fully and healthily, keep in balance with the element of Fire. To bring this element into balance with the other four, Water, Earth, Wood and Metal, you will need to make sure you look for excess or lack and correct it with the following representations of Fire.

The Things That Represent Fire are:
-all lighting instruments
-candles, fireplaces
-people (photos, statues, icons)
-animals, fish, birds, butterflies
-fur, leather, bone, feathers, wool

Fire is also represented by the colors in the Red spectrum and by the shape of pyramids and triangles. Therefore you could have a representation of Fire with the photo of a person, a fish tank, or conical or triangular shaped items.

Fire is about warmth and warming.  It has a dynamic quality of assertiveness and can be helpful or destructive depending on how it is used. It can cook to nourish us, it can melt and mold metals to carry us, it can transform a landscape, or burn away unwanted debris to preserve us, or it can destroy. A ceremonial fire is a positive (controlled) use of fire, while a raging forest fire (out of control) is a destructive version.

Television is a contemporary representation of fire as well as computers and electronic equipment. When you are not using them, you should cover them as they can easily unbalance a room by their bold presence of Fire.

Dr. kac young is President of The Feng Shui Specialists Inc.  and can be reached on the web at: or by calling 805 927 2222 for a private consultation.