Natural Silver Cleaner:
by Lauren Feder, M.D.

Our life is frittered away by detail... Simplify, simplify, simplify!        

                                Henry David Thoreau

In these challenging time, I've been among the many who are embracing Thoreau's wise words in keeping it simple. From the holidays, work and family, it is easy (and not healthy)  when we complicate our  daily activities and become consumed by detail.

In an attempt to cleanse my living space, I began with my linen closet - if I'm not using something perhaps someone else would?  I also found my grandmother's silver trays, complete with years of tarnish! 

In keeping with my mantra of simplification, I decided to polish them up and use them (instead of them using me). I realized that silver polishes are not  created equal!  The standard fare cleans well, however it has a strong odor (not to mention its toxicity). So I found a natural recipe that I was able to use with smaller silver items:

Natural Silver Cleaner

  • Hot  water (fill a basin or pot)
  • Salt 2 tablespoons
  • Baking Soda 2 tablespoons
  • Aluminum Foil Strip

 Add the salt, baking soda, and strip of foil to the hot water.  Mix and soak the silver object for a few minutes.  Remove, rinse and wipe dry.