Clutter, Clutter Everywhere and Not a Space to Think:
by Dr. kac young

What is all this talk about clutter anyway? So what's wrong with some full cupboards, tight closets and junk drawers brimming with odds and ends? Well a lot, according to Earnest Holmes. In The "Science of Mind" Earnest says, "When the law of circulation is retarded, stagnation results. It is only when we allow the Divine current to flow through us, in and out, we really express life. The law of giving and receiving is definite."

In Feng Shui we call this the Ch'i, or the energy of life. Holding onto things demonstrates a sense of lack, just as fear-filled thinking creates insecurity. "There never seems to be enough so I have to keep this for a rainy day. " Or, "What if I go broke and can't afford to buy another one?" Living in the "what ifs" only support fear and a lack of confidence in believing that there is abundance everywhere and in everything and we have the right to as much of it as we can hold. There is always another day, another sunrise another "thing". It's the Law of Circulation. Getting rid of excess allows us to pare down our accumulation of "stuff" and prove that we "trust" another opportunity to open itself up for us and give us something new.

While you hold onto old things and allow the clutter to accumulate, you stifle life and choke the possibility for anything new to enter in. Those old clothes "may" come back into style in another 20 years…but why would you want them? Have the faith in yourself to know that you can create them again, in a newer and fresher form. Circulate them out into the universe so someone else can enjoy them as you did when they were new. And then watch what circulates back into your life. Something new, something fresh, something even better than the last. If you miss your stuff, pack a lunch, go to any "Goodwill" and visit it. It will be there. Or it will be someone else's' that looks just like yours. Whatever you decide to do, make sure you do not retard circulation, keep it fresh. Let it flow. Go clean out those closets and drawers today and wait for the new to appear. You'll be so glad you did. You'll feel lighter and you'll probably feel like dancing.

"Let the Sunshine In," says the song from the 60's. Once you release the old piles of things lying around, the life force (Ch'i) can free itself to circulate and dance in your life. Go make a space for the sun to shine in.

kac young is a veteran entertainment executive and creative artist. She has directed and produced many television shows, helmed a television production and development department at Universal Studios Hollywood, and possesses a Masters in Fine Arts and a Doctorate in Clinical Hypnotherapy. She practices her skills in Feng Shui as a way to bring peace and harmony to homes, television sets, businesses, schools and outside environments. She employs a roster of like-minded practitioners and consultants to service the Los Angeles area and San Fernando Valley. "Feng Shui is the fastest stress-buster and healer of our dis-eases that I know. I've seen it work so many times and I believe we only can heal the world by healing ourselves first." Dr. kac young. For more info go to: For consultation call: (805) 927-2222.