Holiday Feng Shui: The Christmas Tree:
by Dr. kac young

Feng Shui is the art and science of actively and intentionally balancing the energy in our environment in order to create the results we want in our lives. In other words, we take control of the invisible energies (Ch'i) in order to produce what we want to experience in our visible world. The practice of Feng Shui is based on natural principles dating back 5,000 years. These principles were created by mystics and shamans to assist their communities in the betterment of their lives. So what does Feng Shui have to do with a Christmas Tree? Everything!

In Feng Shui there are five natural elements that are brought into balance in order to establish harmony in our environment. The elements are Fire, Metal, Earth, Water, and Wood. When you consider a Christmas Tree, you have all five, automatically present.

First you have the tree itself which represents the Wood element. The base it sits in is usually Metal. We fill that container with Water to nourish the tree and keep it alive (or if it's already a living tree, we promote its life and growth by watering it). Then, we add lights, or Fire to trim the tree. The ornaments are Earth if they are porcelain or pottery, and Metal if they are metallic. The glass bulbs represent Water and usually we decorate with a variety of colors, so the spectrum of all five elements is also represented in the use of color. (Fire=Red, Water=Blue, Wood=Green, Metal=White, Earth=Yellow.)

Of course, the ancient Chinese did not have Christmas Trees to balance their environment and create holiday harmony the same way we do. The Christmas Tree is a real asset to any environment and can actually bring the principles of Feng Shui into any home, office or space. You will notice that when people gather around a tree, they experience a sense of community which brings with it an experience of exchange and oneness. The proof that the principles of Feng Shui really work lives in your own experience of how the tree makes you feel. There is great joy in finding it, merriment in decorating it, camaraderie and togetherness sitting around it, and a sense of emptiness when you take the tree down after the holidays, and put away all the shiny ornaments and festive lights until next year.

So go ahead. Deck your halls with Feng Shui this year and enjoy the harmony and balance it will bring to your environment.

Happy Holidays to all!!!

kac young is President of The Feng Shui Specialist Inc. Dr. kac young. For more info go to: For consultation call: (805) 927-2222.